The best part of the episode?
* * *
Yep, they went and killed off Adam Monroe. But not before removing all shreds of menace from his character either. What a complete and utter waste, not just of the character, but of David Anders and his talents too. (His appearance last week? Easily the brightest spot in what has been a dismal season so far.) In short, Heroes did to Adam Monroe in just two episodes what Alias did to Sark in five seasons*. Congratulations, Heroes. Didn't think it was possible for a show to engender bitterness faster than Alias or anything else wrought from the hands of Jaybrams, but you might just have proved me wrong.
* - I mean, seriously, Vaughn (aka Mr.-Not-Field-Certified-In-Season-1) kicking Sark's ass in the finale? The Sark Apologist in me, of course, fanwanks it away as "Sark let Vaughn kick his ass 'cuz Sark can't enjoy the finer things in the world if it doesn't exist", but COME ON!
And as for the rest of the show? Well, like I said, the Ando thing last week was a lose-lose situation, because either they kill off one of the few likeable regulars, or they lose fans with yet another fake-out death. Peter losing all his powers amuses me, but the whole soap-opera melodrama of the Petrelli family is getting tired. Claire also demonstrates that she clearly got her stupidity from Uncle Peter (... she held off on tasing the creepy dude why, exactly?!), instead of having some of Mr. & Mrs. Bennet's awesome rub off on her. Sylar still intrigues me, but the fact that he's part of the Petrelli family melodrama is also a huge deterrent. Ugh. The anal-retentive completionist in me might still see me holding out until the end of this arc/volume, but I'm pretty damned unlikely to stick around for much longer... Whatever happened to the days when this show was actually pretty decent?