Jul 14, 2004 22:31
wednesday=hump day! fer sure =)
woke up at 10 to go running.. but of course it was raining dont get me wrong I<3 the rain.. but not when i wanna go outside.. er swim... er run... yup rain is good for sleep.
12.Jordan woke up. yes he did. well i found a puppy at noon 2. a ugly lil fart sittin on my deck. i wanted to keep him <3 but he ran away cause jordan told him he was gunna run him over. =( poor dog.. he came all the way from euclid. this is his second time here??.. wonder why he comes here.
Sat at jordans.I fight with him.. just to make up =) hott~
came home had to jump in my window cut my arm all up. Ouch!!
Me and Julia talked tonite.. and you know what u damn people who think shes a damn whore.. need to how do i say this.. GET LIVES.. get over it DRAMA.. u dont want it so dont ephin create it. Seriously. whats wrong with julia.. shes an "ugly whore" .. cause she got ur guy.?! Lmao .. oh wait . i forgot u kids are immature.
anyways. I got a raft to go to Cuba! .. ima save that lil boy.. no i think hes in the U.S now! oh well.. i wont get eatin by the sharks either ill feed them my potatoe chips.! its the poo. its got 4 pop holders and a place for food or tanning lotion or w.e u want.
people hear things....story.
jordan thought i called him stupid today.. lol when i said do you know what you should do?
Then going through target 2 girls walk by and after we pass them my dad goes heather when they walked by why did u say .. "slut alert"..lmao .. i couldnt stop laughing.. cause i didnt say anything
Hope i can swim tomorrow.SUNSHINE! PLEASE
i wanted to play basketball tonite.. but no one except julia would play and she told me she would kill me.. so i guess thats not good..lol
well thats all for tonite kids<3
Love x's and O's...heather.
<3 sunshine.. pool.. and ordan.