Mommy to be Day

May 17, 2007 20:11

I love getting presents. I love giving them as well, but I LOVE getting presents. And I was so excited when I read in one of the adoption books that we should celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day, since we can consider ourselves expecting.

That being said, I celebrated Mother's Day this year. Larry was a great husband. On Mother's Day I received cards from Tobie, the cats and Larry and Owen. Larry also gave me the Willow Tree angel entitled "Child of My Heart," which represents adoptive moms and babies. It is sitting on my desk at work, helping me get through the days.

My dad also joined in giving gifts. He sent a beautiful purple azalea, with a card that read:

You, Dad and I can watch these flowers grow.
Love, Owen and Grandpa."

The plant is beautiful. I'm trying to figure out the perfect place for it.

I will note that Tobie was upset that she didn't receive any flowers. When the delivery man came to the door, Tobie took off running down the street, looking for her gift from Grandpa. She kept running from me and was headed towards the road. Luckily one of our neighbors saw her and called her name. Tobie trotted towards her like she didn't have a care in the world. Tobie is a little too precocious for her own good.
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