
Nov 04, 2009 19:25

Tagged by fweever

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I think of many things during the week that I could post about here, usually going as far as composing entries in my head, but they almost never last until I am actually on the computer. Hence my horrible updating schedule.

2. I listen to a cd of lullabies every night as I go to sleep - not so much because I have to to be able to fall asleep, but because if I'm listening to that there's a better chance of my brain SHUTTING UP and letting me sleep.

3. I absolutely suck at going to bed at a decent time, no matter how little/much I have to do.

4. Whenever people recommend a book I've never heard of to me, I generally say I'll add it to my list of books to read, although it's already pretty long. The trick to this is that the list is almost entirely in my head, so when I'm looking for a new book, only the ones I'm most interested in come to mind. This doesn't mean I've completely forgotten the others, because I'll recognize them if I see them, they just won't make it to the top of the list for a while. My apologies if this offends anyone who's recommended a book to me before.

5. I've been keeping track of all the books I read since August 1999. (I'm up to 1598, if you're interested.) I averaged 200/yr until I started working, then it dropped to 100/yr, even though I theoretically had more time. I think it's because in school I had so much to do that I was more desperate for the escape, and therefore more attentive to using small moments to keep reading (on the bus, meals, 2 min before class started, etc). Whereas now I have larger blocks of time, but often choose to do other things, like movies or the internet. I also don't usually record the fanfic I read, even though many of those are novel length.

6. I find it hard to come up with things about me for these memes and quizzes that anybody could actually find interesting, without also being incredibly embarrassing.

7. I have already planned out in my head what I would do if I won the lottery or was given a fortune: 1)Give 10% to charity and put 10% in savings 2) Pay off my credit cards, student loans, car loans, etc. 3)Buy a new car 4)Pay off my brother's student loans 5)Pay off my parents' mortgage 6)Build a library and buy the books I've always wanted but couldn't afford to get 7)Travel the world and see all the places I've only read about.

Of course, this plan is somewhat moot, as I don't play the lottery and have no rich relatives to leave me fortunes. More's the pity.

I tag:
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