Response To Wyatt Cain's Request

Nov 27, 2008 21:49

To: Head of Security, Wyatt Cain
From: Her Royal Highness, She of the Lavender Eyes

I'd be delighted to take on your son into my entourage. Obviously, he is ill suited to be Azkadellia's guard due to this young and, if I may say, surprising love.

My guards are experienced and will have a great deal to teach him. As you've no doubt discovered, commanding a resistance movement is a great deal different than simple guarding.

As to the events of yesterday, I'm sure you and I would have preferred to be informed of this coupling in a more traditional manner, but it is how it is. Likely any attempt on our parts to curtail their budding romance would have the opposite effect.

The breech of protocol, I will leave in your hands, he is your son and is taken off my eldest's guard so I will consider the matter closed.

distribution of guards, azkadellia, wyatt cain, security office, files: memo, az, high jinks, jeb cain

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