We all have them. Girls for guys. Guys for girls. Girls for girls. Guys for guys. I have some crushes on older fellows. Particularly actors. Well yeah because they are in the spotlight and they get photographed frequently with their smiling faces pasted on magazines, newspapers, and websites.
There are a few crushes I have that are off the top of my head. This will have to be a work in progress.
1. Eric Bana. So I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife and I watched the movie after. I just think Eric Bana is attractive. Nice looking. I've also seen him in Munich in seventies attire. That movie was really sad.
2. Jon Stewart. He's so funny. I love funny guys. He makes me enjoy politics. He makes gray hair look good...
3. Jon Hamm. I've never seen an episode of Mad Men, yet I'm dying to. Just watch his guest stint on 30 Rock because it is hysterical. Basically he is so good-looking he can get anything he wants (in real life and in the show).
4. Young Alec Baldwin. He was definitely a different person when he was younger. Svelte. Attractive. He's great on 30 Rock but even better looking when he was a young lad.
5. Ben Stiller. I saw Greenberg during Spring Break and it was interesting seeing Ben Stiller in a more serious role. But some of my favorite movies of his are definitely Zoolander and Tropic Thunder.