not again

Jul 22, 2007 09:52

So for those of you who have A. Known me a long time or B. Have known me very well... you know that I have incapable of keeping my feet from harm - partially due to my refusal to wear shoes at all costs. And now I've done it again, not once, but twice in the same day.
It started with Rick and I goofing off in the living-room (no, really, me, goofing off, never) and I shifted my weight a little too close to our treadmill and WHACK the side of my foot right into the big block that is the belt's motor housing. Right below my ankle. Ok, shake it off. It hurts A LOT but not so horrible. It's been worse. It's not broken, just really swollen with a huge knot that looks like I have 2 ankles on the side of my foot. So I limped around for a few minutes, put some ice on it, and went on with my day.
I finally get around to taking a shower yesterday afternoon and as I am getting out what should I do but manage to SLAM the side of my foot (just the ankle side of my little toe) into the lovely hard porcelain. My whole foot is now purplish blue and the left side of my foot is once again deformed. Broken? I don't know. I'm giving it until tomorrow and if I still can't walk then it will be time for the doc to take a look.
Should I have to wear shoes in my own house to prevent such things? I think not.

On other notes of my life not including my terribly deformed feet... I spent the week attempting to locate for borrowing a lawn mower so that our backyard can stop looking like woods. There is a fence between the yard and the woods, but I'm not sure why since there doesn't seem to be a difference in the current undergrowth. How sad is it that all my friends either live in the woods and don't bother to mow or they don't have to because someone magically appears and does it for them? I want a magic lawn guy too!! I never did find one. Guess I'm gonna leave it up to Rick now since I've stopped caring for a while.
However, I did finally pick up new contacts so I could stop wearing my glasses that are more deformed than my foot and held together with super glue (yes, super glue). And they are WONDERFUL. I forgot what it's like to see without thinking about it first. The leaves are back on the trees I tell you!
Anyway, I'm starting to bore myself so I shall stop. I've become a bit of a free drinks ladies night whore, so anyone who wants to drink with me at Poor Paul's on Tuesdays or the Dump on Thursdays or Stetsons on Fridays should call me. =) Especially since my phone died along with all my numbers so I can contact no one unless your phone number is miraculously easy to remember (unless you are severa, that does not mean you).
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