Computer-related miscellania

May 18, 2011 13:03

My machine at work is being "upgraded" to Windows 7.

What I have heard suggests that Windows 7 is really not so horrible (compared to Vista, anyway), but I am cringing at the prospect of dealing with the newer versions of Office. I used it, briefly, a couple of years ago, and I could not get the hang of that fucking "ribbon" they replaced the useful menu bar with.

*weeps piteously*

Having resurrected my Twitter account (well, my main one; my original one I will never update again, because my last post there was "Feigning death," so you can see why it's best left as-is), I also decided to see if I could cope with my TOO MANY rss feeds again. My primary use of Twitter is to get updates from persons/blogs/organizations of interest, rather than as a way to interact with people, but an RSS reader is better.

I discovered a new RSS/Twitter thing called um, Feedlooks, I think, and gave it a try.

Not bad, I guess; it allows you to "pin" items you like so that they always are on the top of the feed - but every time you refresh a feed, all of the old items vanish. I am not a fan of that, though I can see why some people would like that.

I'd given it a try because my memory of Netvibes was that it was prone to being slow and laggy.

And also it was full of my million zillion RSS feeds, few of which I actually kept up with, but which conspired to make me feel constantly behind and frantic/guilty about it.

Dislike of Feedlooks (also do not care for the graphic design or the way it opens content within itself) sent me back to Netvibes, where eventually I remembered my password.

While I desperately need to prune my Netvibes list (or at least put my favorite feeds in one spot), I do not think I'll be returning to Feedlooks any time soon. Netvibes seems to be running quickly enough, the graphic design is nicer, more items fit on a page than in Feedlooks, etc.

One of the blogs I'd been following there is, which posts images of paintings, photography, drawings, etc. A lot of fantastic work, but say goodbye to your productivity, at least for an hour or two.

. . .

I thought I had another item to finish this off, but I got distracted by the fog outside (building across street is fairly hazy, wtf).

Originally posted here: Pick your poison and comment there.


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