Excitin Asylum news!

Nov 24, 2010 11:14

Which, if you are local, you probably already know about. So let me tell you again!

First, we are open for memberships FOR REALS and we have December classes up for registration.

Second, I - well, I am teaching (or co-teaching) a couple of those classes:

Make Your Own Artificial Tree, because when Gui and I were going over ideas for December, and running out of known classes, I blurted out, "Hey, I could teach people how to make a fake tree!" and he said, "Cool," and someone who was sitting nearby waiting for another class to start said, "I would totally take that!" Um. SO.

And Jewelry Happy Hour, which I will happily NOT be teaching alone, but with at least one (and up to three!) other Asylum jewelry makers/teachers. (I will be there each week, some of the others can't make all 3 nights.) It's going to be pretty casual; we have no lesson plan except, "Show up, make things, drink wine, and teach people what they ask about."

So that's a big chunk of my December schedule.

Apropos of absolutely nothing, I think now I must go turn a portion of yesterday's Cul de Sac strip into a user icon, because I need a funny image of "chewing off one's arm in order to escape."

Originally posted here: http://hrafn.dreamwidth.org/490560.html. Pick your poison and comment there.

asylum, crafts

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