I checked
my works on AO3 to see what the ten most read were.
- "Killing Elvis" (ALIEN Universe)
- "The Cable & Deadpool Yuletide Special" (Cable & Deadpool, Marvel Comics)
- "It's the Muppet Doctor Who Special, With Our Very Special Guest Star, Matt Smith!" (Like it says on the tin)
- "Skill Set" (Disney Princesses)
- "Sam in Casablanca" (CASABLANCA)
- "Escape Artistry" (DCU)
- "Jason and Me" (DCU)
- "The Balls of the Bell" (Vorkosiverse)
- "Provided the Cuffs and Collars Match" (STAR WARS)
- "Minute of Angle" (DCU)
Unsurprisingly, all of my big hits on AO3 are from Yuletide, which is when I'm most fannishly productive and when fandom notices me -- I'm not a BNF, but I do pretty well at Yuletide stories: in both 2009 and 2010, I had a story wind up as the #9 most-read fic in Yuletide come reveal day. I love Yuletide because it's a big audience and because it's a chance to write stuff I never would have written otherwise, so usually I'll write a mixture of stories for small fandoms and at least one treat that I know a lot of people would enjoy reading. Sometimes those treats are popular; sometimes they wind up being REALLY popular. Of all my most popular stories, I think "Killing Elvis" is the one that most deserves its high hits -- the other two in the top three get mileage from sheer gimmickry (a Yuletide story that feeds on other Yuletide stories! A Muppet Show/Doctor Who crossover!), but "Killing Elvis" is the one that says, "Oh, yeah, this boy can write."
Interestingly, #12, which didn't make this list, is "
Seven Sunday Mother-Daughter Mornings," a Terminator:SCC story that I think is my most-bookmarked fic on Delicious. But almost everybody's bookmarked it where I first posted it,
on my LJ.
Originally posted
on my DW. |
people have commented there. |
Do so yourself, if you like.