I had the oral portion of my quals today. I am now ABD.
To celebrate, the meme that I was planning to do last weekend before I got busy: Post a comment about a story that I have never written ("Hey, I loved that AU where Babs was an assassin!" "Man. It doesn't get better than Rex the Wonder Dog as the new Robin."). I'll do my best to give you
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Mike lifted his head from the table. He tried to glare, but from the way Oleg reacted he had the feeling it looked more smoldering than intimidating. This wasn't fair. How did women do this? He knew he could tell Oleg no, and that it would probably be all right, but for all he knew this situation had precedent in Keldara custom, and he didn't know if he should go about designing a feeling-up ceremony -- and Christ, would he hate every fucking minute of that; he liked copping a feel as much as the next guy, but this was different, these were *his* tits, dammit -- or just find out if his joints were still flexible enough to kick Oleg in the balls.
"It is a great honor among us," said Oleg, with reverence. "The breasts of the Kildar -- "
" -- you know," Adams broke in uneasily as Mike looked for a weapon, "this will make some of our decoy missions easier. I mean, you're a fucking SEAL. We just dress you up, put on some heels, make you walk around like a whore..."
"I'm changing back," snapped Mike. "No ifs, no ands, no buts, no waiting for a fucking mission. I don't care if it's two AM Sunday there; we're going to the black ops facility, *right fucking now,* and if they can't fix me we're going to DARPA, and if they can't fix me I'm going to try goddamn *voodoo,* and we're *not* waiting until goddamn Monday morning -- " A flash of color caught Mike's eye, and he realized it was his harem manager peering around the corner. "What, Stasia?!"
"Kildar," said Anastasia, her breath coming rapidly and her cheeks coloring against her face, "I am bisexual."
Mike said, "All right. We're going *Tuesday...*"
And congrats, BTW!
I will care for it as best I can!
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