Title: My Heart with You
Rating: PG; rated for mild language
Theme: Mother Confessors
Genre: Drama/Romance/Angst
Characters: Kahlan Amnell/Richard Rahl
Timeline/Spoilers: During "Dark" spoilers for that episode and the "Palace of the Prophets" arc
Prompt: Promise/Song Title (My Heart with You - The Rescues)
Word Count: 1087
Author's Notes: Don't think there's really any for this one... just that it's kind of melodramatic romance... not everyone's cup 'o' tea... *grin*
Richard watched almost dispassionately as the fitful rain easily tore through the cherry blossoms above him. Already, several of the delicate blooms lay broken in the grass around his feet, victims of the rare spring shower. He supposed that there might have been a poem in the image, something Zedd, in his days as the crazy chicken man, would have made into riddled verse; Richard could only bow his head and let the pink petals fall.
“We all fall down,” he murmured with the ghost of a breath before stepping back until the trunk of the tree became a solid presence behind him. Richard felt it brace him like a slender column and wished, almost violently, that it was a woman instead.
“Kahlan, I...”
But it was no use wishing, he was still alone in the twilight, the rain falling down as heedlessly on him as it did the cherry blossoms.
“Kahlan...” he breathed. “Damn it, Kahlan... I...”
Richard sank into a pained crouch, burying his face into his weary hands.
“Fall down without you,” he confessed, his voice muffled into near silence.
He suddenly felt a gentle hand quietly brushing petals from the wet strands of his hair, but didn't dare look up for fear of disrupting the impossible moment. Instead, he removed his hands from his face and settled them on his knees. Quietly, he breathed in the unexpectedly sweet scent of rain, cherry blossoms, and... her.
Richard closed his eyes and willed the moment to be more than real, he willed it to be true.
“I'm right here...”
Petals fell before his eyes and the Seeker finally dared to look up, watching as Kahlan released the gathered fragments of the flowers from her fingertips.
“Kahlan..” It was more than a prayer or spell, it was his was soul recognizing his heart. “Kahlan...”
“Oh my, Richard,” she said softly, reaching out a hand to gently chase a raindrop down Richard's cheek. He closed his eyes, savoring the nearly overwhelming sensation.
“Oh, my darling Richard,” she nearly whispered.
After only a moment's hesitation, Richard reached out, bringing the Mother Confessor into the circle of his arms and holding her in an embrace that was almost a shade too tight.
“Richard...” she breathed.
His embrace eased ever so slightly, hesitant to let go even that much.
“I miss you...” Richard whispered into the warmth of her neck, the sound muffled as his lips brushed against her skin.
“Me too...” she breathed into his ear. “Me too, Richard...”
“I don't know if I can do this without you,” he confessed quietly.
“Oh, Richard...” Kahlan sighed.
“You're my strength, Kahlan... my only true strength... my only truth...”
“Richard...” Gently, she slid her hands up to cradle his head. With an inexorable gentleness, she forced his dark eyes to look into her own.
“You're not here with me, and I'm falling down without you,” he asserted in the same sort of rough whisper. “I need you with me.”
“I know, Richard...” she whispered. “I know.”
“I should never have left you... I should never have come here,” he declared painfully.
Kahlan gave him a sad, soft smile in response before brushing her lips lightly against his, the sensation tantalizing in its sweetness, like a cherry blossom caressing his skin.
“How do I do this? How do I get back to you?” He murmured against her lips.
“You'll find a way,” she whispered in reply, her breath warm in his own as it slipped from her lips to his.
Richard pulled back a little and met Kahlan's star blue eyes, his own so charged with emotion that they were nearly black with it.
“How?” He asked, his voice warm like a slow burning ambrosia, rough and almost angry. “I don't know how, Kahlan.”
He buried his face in the curve of her neck once more, and Kahlan let her fingers brush through his wet hair, the strands clinging to her fingertips as she did so.
“You'll find a way,” she repeated. “You always find a way ...”
She looked through cherry blossoms and rain to see the first silver hints of night bringing starlight winds and scattering the storm. “Richard, I...”
“Don't,” He breathed against her skin, his voice muffled in its warmth. He clung to her hopelessly, pulling her as close as he possibly could, as if sheer will alone could keep her with him. “Don't go.”
“I'm not really here,” she whispered gently.
“But I am waiting for you, Richard,” she whispered, bringing his gaze back up her own. “I'd wait forever for you.”
Kahlan smiled softly, cradling his head in her hands.
“And if I have to,” she assured him. “I'll find you.”
She brushed her lips ever so softly against his before whispering against them.
“We'll find each other... I'm your Confessor; you're my Seeker... we will be together again, I promise. Richard...”
Richard interrupted Kahlan's whisper with a kiss that couldn't have been any more fervent had he been somehow confessed.
“You'll find a way,” Kahlan assured him once more with an almost giddy breath when they finally parted. Richard smiled a bit wryly and rested his forehead against hers.
“I will,” he murmured. “I have to.”
The Confessor smiled brilliantly.
“I know.”
Her smile faded just a touch as she lifted her forehead from his and stepped back a little. “You need to go now,” she whispered, looking toward the pale moonlight seeping through the misty blue air. She kissed him once, softly.
“You said that I'm you're only truth,” she said, giving him a gentle grin. “You are the Seeker of Truth... come back and find me.”
“I will,” he promised her.
She smiled once again, even more brightly if that were possible, and disappeared into a rain of cherry blossoms. Richard reached out deftly and captured one between his fingers before tucking it carefully into an inner pocket of his leather vest.
“I will find a way,” he whispered, before stepping back into the shadows of the temple...
“I know...” Kahlan murmured as she woke suddenly, brushing cherry petals from her hair and shifting the Sword of Truth against her hip. “I know, my Richard...”