LegendLand Big Bang Challenge - "Paint Your Dreams" (G)

Jun 22, 2010 23:18

Title: Paint Your Dreams
Rating: G

Theme: Mother Confessors
Genre: General/Drama
Characters: Kahlan Amnell and her Mother (Mother's POV)
Timeline/Spoilers: Kahlan's five; essentially spoilers for "Bound"

Prompt: Nightmares
Word Count: 791

Author's Notes: Okay, so this one... I kind of did a weird ol' mix of book and series. From the book, I took that Kahlan's mum was the Mother Confessor. I also used the name Brophy for her stuffed animal, and I mention the Mud People. From the series, I use the fact that Kahlan's mum dies when she's five and that Fredrick is her father. This story basically takes place right at the time that Kahlan's mother is getting sick.

It does take place in the world of the series though. *grin*

“Momma, Momma...”

I heard my daughter's cry as she banged tiny fists as hard as she could against my chamber door.


I looked to Frederick, and without a word, he rose from my bedside. The moment he opened the door, Kahlan froze, hesitating at the threshold. Frederick himself stilled, uncertain until I gestured for my daughter.

“Kahlan love...”

My young daughter tumbled past her father and into the room, dashing to my bed, her shapeless gray stuffed animal clutched so tightly in her tiny hands that her knuckles were white

“Momma, Momma, I confessed Brophy...” She admitted in a quavering voice, her eyes tearing as she held out her stuffed animal helplessly. “I didn't mean to Momma... what do I do? What do I do Momma...” she gasped, her voice uncontrollably choked with tears.

“Oh baby,” I soothed, holding out my own thin arms. My troubled daughter launched herself into them and I cradled her to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Frederick step out the door and close it behind himself.

“Baby, why do you think you confessed Brophy?”

Kahlan buried her small head in my shoulder. “Oh Momma I just did... I... I...” she mumbled, her tears soaking into my gown. “I didn't mean to, but I feel asleep and I... I just did it...”

“Oh love,” I soothed, running my hand through her dark hair and trying to not notice just how thin my fingers where as they brushed through the clinging tendrils. “My sweetest little girl, you haven't confessed Brophy. It was a dream... a nightmare...”

I shifted my daughter's weight in my arms and gently took the shapeless animal from her trembling fingers.

“See love,” I soothed, brushing my own hand over the ratty gray fur. “He's fine... he's just fine...”

I smiled comfortingly at Kahlan.

“We all have those nightmares... we all do Baby...”

I set Brophy back in my daughter's hands and brushed my free hand over her brow, smoothing the worries there.

“We all have the nightmares, Baby... but that's all they are Kahlan... nightmares. You'll always keep your friends safe. You'll learn to hold the power safe inside, all snug and coiled inside...”

“Truly?” Kahlan asked in a tiny voice.

“Truly,” I assured her.

“And you'll teach me, Momma...”

I took a depth breath.


I brushed her hair back and gently settled her next to me in the bed.

“Close your eyes, Baby, I'll paint your face...”

Kahlan smiled, snuggling herself into the covers in preparation for our little ritual. She closed her eyes and cuddled Brophy in her arms. I smoothed my hands over her face. I brushed her hair back.

“What do you want to be, Baby?”

Kahlan smiled and answered without hesitation, “Paint me as a Mud Person, Momma.”

“A Mud Person?”

“Please, Momma...” Kahlan asked, opening her baby blue eyes and holding them wide. “Please...”

I smiled and nodded gently, amused by my young daughter's fascination with the strange people of the Wilds that rarely saw a Confessor.

“Close your eyes, Baby.”

She did, but popped them open almost instantly.

“Don't forget Brophy, Momma...”

I nodded again quietly.

“Close your eyes, Brophy,” I said, brushing my fingertips over my daughter's animal and making her giggle. “Now close your eyes, Love,” I said, brushing my too thin fingertips over her eyelids. I smoothed back her hair.

“Dark, dark brown... like the robins in the spring, or the earth, just when the roses are blooming...”

I smoothed my aching fingers through her curls as if painting it back with the thick mud that the wild folk favored.

“Dark blue... like the waters of ocean,” I continued, brushing my fingertips over her eyelids once more. “And then light blue... like cornflowers... like the Stone of Tears...” I whispered, caressing her cheeks and sliding a fingertip down the bridge of her nose. I painted light blue over her brow and down over her ears. I smoothed my hands down her chin and lightly over her throat.

“Purple,” I whispered as Kahlan drifted off to sleep and I traced the symbols of love and the Mother Confessor over her cheeks. “Destiny...” I murmured. “Oh, my little Kahlan, such a destiny I see for you... I wish I could be there. I wish I could guide you to it, Baby...”

“Momma...” Kahlan murmured in her sleep, reaching blindly for me.

“Oh Baby... I whispered, holding back tears and I pulled my sleeping daughter to myself. “Sweet dreams my dearest love...”

fanart: fanfiction, character: kahlan amnell, character: lots misc, fandom: legend of the seeker, genre: ficlit, misc: legendland big-bang, rating: g

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