"And All the World" Farscape Vid

Jul 12, 2007 19:22

As a sort of preface: why Vidding and Hal don't mix

Anyhoo... I finally did manage to get a version of this one done. Please keep in mind that I've been messing around with clips and programs and such... so... *shrug* I believe that this one is what it is...

Disclaimer: All clips and music belong to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended, merely fan appreciation. No money was made from this. Any similarity to any vid not my own is coincidence.(I haven't really seen any using this song I think, though lots of people have made vids revolving around "The Choice")

"The World is Stone;" Twelve Deadly Cyns and Then Some; Cyndi Lauper; 1995

"Mad Girl's Love Song;" Sylvia Plath(For the quote and hence the title)

Title: And All the World
Song: The World is Stone
Genre: Farscape Vid; J&A; Aeryn(tragedy)
Timeline: "The Choice"
Note: This is a re-working of a vid I did previously, but I don't recall posting that one anywhere, but just in case...

cross-posted: farscape scaper_dren and I will probably try to put it on terrafirmascapers

fandom: farscape, fanart: vids, rating: pg, pairing: aeryn & john

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