Jun 15, 2007 00:09
SGA: All old fanfic and vids posted; SGA postings are now new; most recent: "Icon Drabbles;" "Crystal Clear" Fanfic; "Waltzing with Elizabeth" Vid
Farscape: All old fanfics posted I believe; vids-unknown; most recent: "Everything" fanfic; "Deus ex Machina" fanfiction
Babylon 5: All old fanfics(but one that is just too bad to re-post *grin*); all B5 in future new
Battlestar Galactica: All old fanfic; BSG postings are now new
The Pretender: All old fanfic; Pretender postings are now new
Earth 2: All old fanfic; E2 postings are now new
Gilmore Girls: All old fanfics; GG postings are now new(though I don't foresee any new things being posted, as I've not done anything in that fandom for quite a while)
Roswell: Posted my 1 drabble
Grey's Anatomy: Again, I have just 1 drabble posted here too
Pics: Most recent posted: Song Walls
misc: talking