Disclaimer: The Phantom of the Opera was created by Gaston Leroux. The musical and Love Never Dies belong to Andrew Lloyd Webber and all the grand high mucky mucks. No copyright infringement is intended and no money was made from any of these of course. Any similarities to any other wallpapers not my own are coincidence.
The translated poem is by Hermann Hesse. Other words inspired by Susan Kay.
Notes: Strictly speaking these are more just big pictures, rather than wallpapers. Base images from 25th Anniversary concert and Love Never Dies press photos (to the best of my knowledge)
The translation of the Hermann Hesse poem I used is as follows:
Because I love you, I came in the night to you, wild and whispering, and so that you will never forget me, I have taken your soul away.
I have it now, and it belongs to me completely, in good and also for ill from my wild and burning love can not redeem you any angel.