Сайт College Recruiter недавно опубликовал статью о предпочтениях работодателей относительно образования выпускников.
A recently released survey indicates that 42 percent of employers of college students and recent graduates ranked the major of the students being interviewed as the top priority for hiring consideration. A year ago, 37 percent ranked the major as being the most important factor so while majors continue to be important, they are becoming even more so. Running second and third are interviewing skills and a student's internships and experience, respectively. Опрос проводился сайтом College Grad. Вышло, что специальность выпускника -- основной критерий, по которому подыскивают начинающих карьеру. Вот полный список:
- The student's major (42%)
- The student's interviewing skills (25%)
- The student's internship/experience (16%)
- Other miscellaneous qualifications (10%)
- The student's computer skills (3%)
- The student's personal appearance (2%)
- The student's GPA (1%)*
- The college the student graduated from (1%)
*GPA -- это средний балл по диплому.