09.21.08 SBS Good Sunday: DaeSung on Family Outing

Sep 21, 2008 21:53

09.21.08 SBS Good Sunday
DaeSung on Family Outing
860 MB

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Credit to Ental and Cashewmania Clubbox

They went to sleep at the latest that night, at like 1:40 AM and all of them have to wake up at 6:00 AM, only like 4 hours of sleep, everyone look dead tire, Dae was just WHOA! This is the worst Hair-Dae I've ever seen hahaha, but it's so cute though, what's more cute is Dae last week try to get a high rank, acting cute to a burden level, anybody saw it??? Oh! if you want to watch LAST WEEK episode WITH ENGLISH SUB, you can download it HERE. I already LMAO when I don't understand it, and now that I did, i just have to ROFL... HARD... MANY TIMES. haha Any F.T Island fan here too? HongKi was also freaking cute, he also say in an interview that he and Dae get a long and are really good friend with each other, awww.. isn't that cute? For Dae lovers.. now you can see what Dae will do for you when you're sick, Hyori unnie got sick early that morning, Dae being the adorable dongseng he is, help make her feel better, it's so sweet to see, as if they were real siblings. And let our Dae teach you how to NOT eat out of a big huge pot of boiling food, haha rule #1 try not to burn your neck. They went to where the ahjumma wearing taking care of their apple, and one of the ahjumma ask how old Dae is haha, so it's either she's hitting on him haha or she's trying to hook him up with her daughter haha.

solo activites: daesung, variety show: family outing, variety show: sbs

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