Carpe DraconisResponding to Theme: Favorite Fic of 2006
Pairing OR Main Character: H/D
Length: WIP Novel length (currently 13/25)
Rating: NC-17 for violence and language
Warnings: AU, No HBP Spoilers. Post Hogwarts, Second War Era. Draco-centric.
Very Brief Summary: Is it possible to capture a dragon when you suddenly find one within your reach? After his Fifth Year, Draco Malfoy makes a choice.
It's the second slash story that I've ever written and with this story I'm basically writing it the way I want the books to happen. I began writing this story two years ago when HBP wasn't close to being released and it has grown since then. The writing style I use for this fic is also very different to what I usually use and it's slow paced because I want to make the development of H/D as believable as I can make it.
What about this particular story makes it your favorite?
It's the second slash story that I've ever written and with this story I'm basically writing it the way I want the books to happen. I began writing this story two years ago when HBP wasn't close to being released and it has grown since then. The writing style I use for this fic is also very different to what I usually use and it's slow paced because I want to make the development of H/D as believable as I can make it.
What was the inspiration for this story?
My inspirtation for this fic would probably be my love for Draco Malfoy. I wanted a novel length IC Draco-centric fic which dealt with a lot of character development, plot twists, action/adventure and humor. I was hard pressed to find any at the time so I figured there's no harm if I take a crack at it.
Did you do something different in this fic that you had not tried before?
Probably work in a lot of genres in at once and I set it at a slower pace than usual. It's basically a Second War fic featuring a resolution to Voldemort so that's guaranteed action. Then there's elements of romance with H/D falling for each other, then angst and humor thrown in as well.
What was the writing process like for you?
It is quite odd since I write each Act as I go along. I have a general idea of where everything is going, yes, it's just how they get there is tricky. I also have the final chapter done as well as the Alternate Ending Scene. But I don't have it all plotted out to the very last detail. This fic writes itself which is odd to me and it has taken crazy directions that I'd never thought it'd go! After all, this fic was initially started as a one-shot and has now grown into this full blown novel length fic with sword fights, terse confrontations and mind games.
Do you have a favorite line, image, or scene from this story?
Hmm with 13 chapters there's a lot to choose from but this is probably one of my favorites:
Harry coughed a bit as his throat tried to lessen the pressure that was being put upon it. "So that's it? You're just going to follow dear old daddy's footsteps and become a Death Eater? Do you even know what that means, you stupid pillock? It means the end to your arrogant spoiled ways of doing as you please because then you'd have pledged your life to do Voldemort's every bidding, bowing and kissing the hem of his robes. It means having to murder people, Malfoy! Fathers, sons, daughters, wives and babies whose only sin was to be born to the wrong family. It means that one day I will be expected to fight and ultimately kill Voldemort's followers and when I do, Malfoy, when I finally have to use magic to harm rather than protect, I-I don't want it to be you."
Draco made a frustrated noise at the back of his throat as he pushed away from the Gryffindor. "Well too bad, St. Potty, because I have no such qualms about it! Stay away from me. I don't need your help or your insipid advice about my career options! And even if I find myself indeed trapped and helpless, I can very well save myself!"
Incensed by Malfoy’s sheer superciliousness, Harry managed to find the strength to lunge at his captor and they both tumbled painfully down the hard ground. Using this momentum, Harry pinned the surprised Slytherin down securely. “You, arrogant bastard! You have no idea what it’s like! You think it’s just something you can easily walk away from? Just a ‘No, thank you, Voldemort, the robes would clash with my skin’ and you’re free to go? He’ll come for you! He’ll make you beg. He’ll own you!” Harry spat furiously, angered that the smug wanker was just brushing off his warnings.
Equally enraged, Draco replied. “I know that, you fucking twit! Who do you think my father is? You have no right to preach to me about this no matter what you have seen in your oh so tragic orphaned life! You couldn’t possibly understand because you are from a different world. You are kept in a place where everything is bright, good and simple. Where smoldering temptation does not exist and doesn’t hiss at your ear every day promising great things. Where everything is black and white and there is no room for grey. Where your choices do not require a sacrifice.” Draco panted angrily as he glowered up at the self righteous idiot. “You live in a world where this choice is easy and that is why I won’t ever listen to anything you have to say!”
What was the reader response like when you posted it?
It's been pretty good and encouraging. I've got a lot of good reviews on my characterization, plot and writing style. I really am pants at keeping up with things and if it weren't for my readers poking me, I wouldn't get this done! They're all wonderful and really they're the only thing that keeps me updating regularly :)
Anything else you would like to share with the readers of your story.
This fic is regularly updated at the most weekly or at the least monthly. A lot of people ask what the title means and in basic translation, Carpe Draconis= The Dragon is Siezed. Thank you for reading!