
Sep 01, 2006 16:43

Ok, I just did a huge mailing to the ex HPU members I can recall and would want RPing with us!

Hey all!!

It's been a long time since I spoke to some of you! I'd love to know how you're all doing!

Anyway, what I really e-mailed about is the possibility of a small HPU revival. The original site is dead in the water, mostly due to you, the old members, those that actually knew how to RP, followed the rules and contributed your hours and hard work to the site, not having the time to continue with membership.

I had the same issue. Life gets on top of you, and sooner or later you have to take at least a sojourn away from RP and friends simply because you can't be around and don't have the energy to join in any longer. I just like to say that you're leaving wasn't only a loss for you, it was a loss for us all.

So, I raided the HPU admin panel for your e-mails, and am sending this to direct you to my LJ. A few of us are considering holding a small, closed reunion. The only people invite so far are the people in HPU that I can personally remember, and who'se writing was of an amazing standard.

In future weeks, once things are up and running, you'll be free to submit any names I missed to the group on LJ for all members to vote on. The majority will rule, and if people can't remember your member, or don't believe their RP will be of any worth, they will not be accepted. This means that on the whole we should end up with a small but productive community of individuals that have either RPed with you before, or have been vetted by other members.

We currently have six or seven 'pre-members', and I am stalking you all to sign up. RP is no fun without your friends!

(( ))

It went to Breena, Lex, Virginia, Aaron (Lunaran), Aiera (Lunaran), Zair, Khar, Wyn, Arky, February, Meredith, Keith, Azalia, Amatae, Annie and Adrienne.

Then I got a MDS message telling me that Wyn, Bree, Aiera, Zair and Azalia's E-Mails were out of date! Luckily I have a second e-mail for Bree, Zair is easily contactable through LJ, Wyn has a site I can contact her through, and Azalia is still on LJ (I think).

Five seconds after those, Adrienne contacted me...


I know what you mean. Life definitely got on top of me too. But Adrienne would love to join in on the fun. I think that I have your LJ on my FL, so I will check it out :D

So, welcome back Jenn! Nice to have you on-board!



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