Updating a previously used theme: Physical Disabilities

Jun 09, 2011 20:38

I am traveling the next couple of days so I'm posting this a day early. Please rec your favourite fics and art with physical disabilities (as opposed to mental illness which will come later on).

Please add your recs to this link: PHYSICAL DISABILITIES. There is already a long list of comments there, so it might be easier to quickly see the list here on delicious, to see if the ones you want to rec are already there or not.

If you are not sure if it's a physical disability - for example in cases such as brain injuries or curses and magical maladies - then see if it affects the person mostly in a physical way or mostly mentally/emotionally.

I love this theme too, so I'm pretty excited, again, to see your recs!!! :D

Here is a template for you to use if you like. We are asking for who has disability and what their disability is.

Working Link:
Type of Disability:
Author's Summary:
Contributor's Comments:
(Using a template is not a must. Use it or not, whatever you find is easier to do.)

And as a reminder, the current NEW theme awaiting more of your fabulous recs is Slavery ♥.

update: new recs on an old theme!, theme:physical disabilities

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