Mod post of Modliness

May 28, 2010 16:38

...Not really. We're not posting to give you all any new rules, or lecture about flaming. Y'all are so awesome that we don't need to!

Anyway, I'm songquake, and I'm co-modding this amazing community with werewolfsfan> and purpledodah. We're grateful to jaime27 for all her hard work in establishing this community, and for giving the community the opportunity to continue without her fantastic and dedicated presence.

So, what have we been doing?

We've been getting to know one another a bit, finalizing who the new co-mods would be, getting maintainer status, setting up other modly communication tools, updating the rec lists on, and discussing the next theme.

And now for the big announcement... *drumroll*


We hope you're as excited as we are, and are getting ready to search your memories and your bookmarks!

If folks have comments or questions, you can post them here, or send a PM to one of the mods. We don't bite. Unless you ask.

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