Title: Golden Web
Author: Relala
World: Books
Rating: T (for Teen)
Warnings/Spoils: Slash.
Ships/Parings: True Colours - James/Regulus.
Word Count: 627
Summary: One day, he knows, his name will be interlinked with Regulus’s in golden string. •SLASH•
(One day, he knows, his name will be interlinked with Regulus's in golden string.) Title: (Bitter) Sweet Dreams
Author: Relala
World: Books
Rating: T (for Teen)
Warnings/Spoils: Slash.
Ships/Parings: Potter and Prefect - Percy/Harry.
Word Count: 595
Summary: This is the sweetness of a dream. •SLASH•
(This is the sweetness of a dream) Title: Treasured Seconds, Eternal Moments
Author: Relala
World: Books
Rating: T (for Teen)
Warnings/Spoils: Slash.
Ships/Parings: Tale Of Two Seekers - Harry/Cedric.
Word Count: 533
Summary: Harry Potter was far away from those thoughts, in a private utopia scented like pine fresh goodness and Cedric’s skin. •SLASH•
(The treasured seconds are over and this moment lasts eternity.) Title: Twinkle, Twinkle
Author: Relala
World: Books
Rating: T (for Teen)
Warnings/Spoils: Slash.\
Ships/Parings: Golden Star -Lucius/Regulus
Word Count: 703
Summary: Those ice-coloured eyes look at him and Regulus knows that tonight, at least, he is the brightest star in the all the world to the never-wavering eyes of Lucius Malfoy. •SLASH•
(Icy eyes - pale and cold - stared him down like an angry werewolf and he was speechless.)