7 Habits Meme - From sagamockingbird

Sep 09, 2007 15:22

1) List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
2) Tag seven people to do the same.
3) Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you want to tag whoever wants to do it.

1.  My childhood nickname was Irving.  It didn't stick.  My sister's was Sam; it did.

2.  Before I was born, my mother was convinced that I was a boy, and my name was supposed to be Steven.

3.  The only time I sang solo on stage, it was in French.

4.  I feel somewhat naked unless my toenails are polished.

5.  I don't snore any more; I have a machine that snores for me.

6.  When I was a small child, I had an imaginary friend.  He was a mouse named Murgatroyd.

7.  I still talk to people/things that nobody else can see...

I strongly suspect that I was tagged just to get me to post; so I guess I should tag some folks who post less often than me.  Hmmmm, how about ceramyk, howlingbears, hypriest, pemakhador and tronoth.  And to round out the seven, crzykbplyr and lofro.

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