Fic: "Muggle Culture Week: The Snow Storm", abigail89

Mar 01, 2009 16:12

Title: Muggle Culture Week: The Snow Storm
Author: abigail89 or Hysterical Hystorian
Rating: Pretty damn naughty
Challenge: 34.Snow troubles...snow day, blizzard, snowed in
Summary: Ron and Harry’s first day of Muggle cultural training as Aurors is complicated by London’s biggest snowfall in 18 years.
Warnings (if applicable): Sex, blow-job, swearing. They’re guys. *shrugs *
Notes: Written just in time for Ron Weasley’s 29th birthday and during a snow shower. I’m thinking this is begging to be continued…

Muggle Culture Week: The Snow Storm

2009, nc-17, abigail89

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