Sep 20, 2007 03:09
Date: August 31st, 2017
Time: Mid-Afternoon
Place: Hogwarts
Who: All staff
Professor Slughorn looked around the Great Hall. It was a rare thing, to see it this empty, but that would be changing soon enough. Tomorrow, the Hogwarts Express would arrive, bringing the students back to the seat of learning.
He had a feeling... This year was going to be something special. And not just because of the names on the first-year intake list, either, though that was quite a sight to behold; all those familiar names, so much potential behind them... This could, he thought to himself, be a bumper year for The Slug Club
He sat back in the Headmaster's chair at the top table, thoughtfully sipping on a goblet of vintage wine, awaiting the staff member's arrivals. The tables had been moved to allow any Portkey travellers space to land
bill weasley,
aurelis trevelyan,
marcus flitwick,
rose peakes,
neville longbottom,
harry potter