I've been bad and have been promising these for awhile now. Bad Holly, Bad.
Sue, who writes wonderful SPN fic, asked that a couple more of the banners
Bulletbabe made for her stories be "puzzled". And if you're not familiar with her writing,
run...dont walk, over to Supernaturalville
http://www.supernaturalville.net/viewuser.php?uid=1447 ) and settle in for a nice, long afternoon.
Banners by BulletBabe....Stories by Sue (Swellison)
And the one below is one that I did for Sue a couple of years ago.
She suggested I "Puzzle" it as well. Obviously it was back when
I was still new to Photoshop . One of these days,
I gonna redo it.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/68k043 or
http://www.sendspace.com/file/luvc3o http://www.sendspace.com/file/2hfqu5 http://www.sendspace.com/file/vor55j