Title: Tempestuous Silence Rating: PG-13 Warnings: mild sexual situations Pairing: Lucius/Hermione Summary: A 'stranger' walks into Hermione's bookshop one day, bringing more into her life than she was expecting.
I love! omg I love! It is fabulous and wonderful and I absolutely love it! Wow, just wow! And Rebecca and Hermione taking such good care of the books! I love! (Yes, I am a dork, and I would do the exact same thing that Hermione did if I owned a bookstore). I LOVE!
When Lucius came back and they kissed the first time I thought it was a little quick, but everything else just flowed perfectly. I wanted to slap Lucius so hard when I found out that Narcissa was still alive. Jerk! Absolute jerk! But so Lucius. You did an absolutely wonderfully fabulous job on this story and the prompt and I love it!
Comments 2
When Lucius came back and they kissed the first time I thought it was a little quick, but everything else just flowed perfectly. I wanted to slap Lucius so hard when I found out that Narcissa was still alive. Jerk! Absolute jerk! But so Lucius. You did an absolutely wonderfully fabulous job on this story and the prompt and I love it!
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