I love fanfiction and I'm not ashamed to admit it. But lately, I feel like beating my HEAD AGAINST A WALL.
Is it too much to ask that a fic be in character? Or follow basic grammar? I cannot tell you how many fic authors do not know how to properly write dialogue. People. Please. If I have to see something like:
"I love you." She said.
instead of
"I love you," she said.
I WILL SNAP. It boggles my mind that I've known this basic rule since grade school and people OLDER THAN ME still don't know how to correctly write dialogue. Also, I wish there was a Grammar God who could teach people how to use commas correctly. I'm about ready to scream from all the comma splices/over usage/abandonment. It's called a semicolon. Use it.
Also, becoming a Japanese student is ruining fic for me. It was great when I was immersed in Harry Potter, in all its humongous glory of livejournal communities and hundreds of good fic. Now that I've stepped out into anime fic again for the first time in years, all the rampant bad Japanese is killing me slowly. Attacks are great in their original Japanese. Suffixes are fine. But please. Get the "baka" and "dobe" and "teme" out of my fanfiction. You're not using it correctly, and even if you're a good writer, incorrect usage of Japanese in your fic is DRIVING ME INSANE. And people who decide they're going to put whole sentences of Japanese in their dialogue? It's annoying, and I can actually decipher it without the stupid glossary. Please. Unless the characters have a reason to not speak English in your fic (like, OMG, THEY'VE MET A CHINESE PERSON WHO DOESN'T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OMG YAY) keep it out. I'm begging you. I will sic my scary, scary Japanese teacher on you, and she will rip your typing fingers from your hands. There's a reason we call her Kowai-sensei.
Whiny rant is whiny. I don't care. I'm so effing annoyed. I want good fic. It shouldn't be so damn hard to find