Mar 29, 2007 15:16

Ok before I go into a rant about this movie I want to explain how my interview went with Auto Owners.  Well I was extremely nervous and I tried to make small talk with another guy who was also waiting for an interview however he was less than friendly to me. Which I was told later is natural because he probably was afraid of me (ya know competition for the same job) but all the same I believe in respecting your enemy. I  mean who hasn't played a sport before. Your opponent is your enemy for a moment but you are still friendly to him/her prior to engagment right?

Anyways on to the interview which was symbolic to the American Idol competition with the exception of my first interview but you know you could think of the vice president of the company as the producer of the show meeting with you before you go on to make sure you are an all right person. Anyways, the interview with the VP was casual and friendly. Then I moved on to speak to the department head of actuarial work. This guy was Randy Jackson except white (he was still overweight). Anyways "Randy" was great! We hit it off and had a lot of fun talking about life and the work that Auto Owners does and how the company operates. Then I moved on to Simon Cowell (who was a woman). "Simon" and I did not get along too well. I was most nervous with "Simon" and she didn't really like the fact that I went to community college, felt it showed that I was directionless despite my 4.0 and didn't like the fact that I wasn't an officer in any clubs and that I was a fake supervisor at the Zoo. Anyways I was glad to get the hell out of there and move on to Paula (who was a woman).

"Paula" and I hit it off completely! It was amazing, she was fun, exciting, enjoyed everything I had to say and loved everything. She also just recently got promoted so she was unsure as to what to do (never interviewed anyone before much less have an intern) so it was new for both of us. Later she gave me a short tour which was hilarious. Keep in mind it is friday about 3 pm (they quit at 4:30 pm ). We went down to the programming department and saw two guys having a rubber band war! "Paula" gives them a look...then turns to me and says "really we don't do this everyday, we really work hard here" I smile and nod as I think to myself that the zoo exists everywhere. But anyways in 10 business days I will hear back from them yay or nay, so either way I know :-)

Now on to my RANT!
So I don't know if anyone has seen this movie Casino Royale but it is awful! However, Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 94% rating! 94%!!! That is absurd! However, everyone I talked to (in my age bracket) loved the movie and thought I was crazy. I attribute to a few things. The first is that I have a different taste in movies from the mainstream. The second is that I grew up on the OLD bond movies and love their format. The third could be that people want twisty plots with attractive stars and lots of action as opposed to solid writing and quality acting. I feel that everyone wants to be the next Nolan or Tarantino. They want to pull off that great story with a great twist followed by tons of action. However...this can't always happen! And in my opinion doesn't happen in Casino Royale. Well, I just wanted to let everyone know my opinion of that movie which wasn't good.
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