Feb 07, 2007 18:03
So I am in college, in the land of curves and grade boosting due to collective failing. Except you must also remember that I go to Grand Valley State where everything is turned upside down. Where we vigously fight prop 2 yet are the only school to be open on Martin Luther King Jr. Day...where it rains or snows EVERYDAY of the week and finally where curves are non-existent.
Last semester I was in organic chemistry and doing not so well and my friend Chris told me not to worry all chem classes get curves. I imagine they do at MSU but remember this is GVSU and no curve was giving. I managed with hard work to pull off a B-. (YAY!) Now comes to Calculus 2. I took my first exam in the class last friday and got a 54% with a class average of 59%.
Wow! you are thinking that is failing...the class average is failing! So today we meet and the professor doesn't sound concern at all, she explains to us all how we get to drop one exam so it will be okay. Wait...no curve? Oh no she explains you can drop one exam...but see if I drop this exam and lets say the class again does bad as a collective whole...what are we to do?
I can understand if only a few people did bad but the WHOLE class did bad! In fact there was one problem on the exam that NO ONE attempted. Did she throw that out? NO! Instead she tells us you can drop one exam...good Lord! Help me!
Still shooting for that 2.0 but that might be impossible...but hey I'm doing AWESOME in my other classes! :-D