Another meme!

Jun 08, 2009 16:08

Stolen from alowishus812

1. Go to IMDB and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
2. Post three or four official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for each.
3. Have your flist guess the movies.

1. Love | Christmas | Prime Minister | England
2. Time Machine | Time Travel | High School | Rube Goldberg
3. High School | Africa | Clique | Teenage Girl Mean Girls
4. Blonde | Law | Harvard | Law School Legally Blonde
5. Hiv Positive | Love | AIDS | New York City
6. Magic | Dark | Wizard | Muggle Harry Potter
7. Love | Divorce | Romantic Comedy | Politics
8. Gay | San Francisco | Harvey Milk | Gay Rights Milk
9. Love | Curse | Pig | Friend
10. King | Scar | Lion | Prince Lion King

Okay, those are really easy. If you can't get 6 or 8, that's really sad.


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