Title: Survivor's Guilt: Padfoot's Tale
pica_scribitRating: G to NC-17, by chapter (each chapter rating listed at the top of chapter page)
Word Count: 62,000+ in 25 chapters
Genre: Drama, Angst, Slash, Romance
Warning: Hot man on man action
Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius
Other Characters: Numerous canon characters both past and present.
Synopsis: Sirius Black's story from the time of his arrest through the end of PoA, including many illuminating flashbacks of his youth. This story was written to complement
Moony's Tale, which covers the events of PoA from Remus Lupin's point of view.
Timeline: 1 November 1981 - 6 June 1994
Disclaimer: I am not J. K. Rowling. I own nothing. Don't sue me and I won't 'Sue you.
Author's Note: I have really been dragging my feet about finishing this story, and now I can't believe it's done. Many thanks to all those faithful readers who have encouraged me along the way and sustained me with your overwhelming praise. I hope the rest of you will enjoy this story as well, and will recommend it to your friends. Feedback is my drug of choice. As usual, please report any errors or inconsistencies.
Survivor's Guilt: Padfoot's Tale)