Drabble 21 May 09

May 21, 2009 10:12

I finished the painting like I said I was going to. It ended up looking mighty spiffy. I will take pictures when I can, yah? =) Plus, anyone who is into Devil's Game OR I.S., I have a drawing up on YouTube of my lovely Alioth, along with me babbling in the background. Uhhh... my friend Ani says that I sound like some girl from Friends. (No idea.)

Virgil. God of Demons. One of the Council of Thirteen High Gods. As a human, he had led Dante through his world's hell, descended through all but one layer. Humans would not be able to cope with the Void, after all, especially not the way the Goddess Sindri ran it.

He stood on a precipace, at the edge of a flat world. It didn't matter which one, really, they were all the same. Dragons, sea monsters, the like - all stories orally told by old sea captains to scare their crews into obeying him. Of course, those old dogs didn't realize that with every word, they were creating the place.

But there stood Virgil, his skin as dark as dark roast coffee, his eyes the palest hint of blue. He had no hair, but he liked it that way. His simple blue jeans and white t-shirt, simple tennis shoes too new to have been worn long, belied his presitigious position. He stared into the dark abyss beneath him, as he often did.

Gods do die. He knew that. Could he leap from this cliff-side, into the gaping maw beneath his feet, and survive? Would it hurt? In all his hundreds of thousands of years alive, he had never felt pain. Was he even alive any more?

Could he love?

He banished the thought, because with it came thoughts of the Commander. Virgil sighed and allowed his eyes to trail up, up at the sky, at the red sun and orange and pink smears of some goddess of sky. The Commander... Tien.

His eyes fluttered shut, long lashes tickling the apples of his cheek. He swayed on his feet, standing there at the edge. Tien... her long silver-blond hair, her brilliant pink-brown eyes, her regal stature... Oh, how he wanted her. Just thinking of her, glaring at him for another mishap with the demons he was supposed to protect, made his pants feel just a touch tight.

Ah, so he could at least feel pleasure. Lust. Virgil sighed again and turned away from the cliffs, only to find the object of his musings standing before him.

"My Lord," she said, bowing her head lightly. "Lord Inari has sent me to find you. He says it is urgent."

"Then I will go to him."

And just as he had done each and every time, Virgil fled from her like Cerberus himself was chasing him.

is, drabble, devil's game, youtube, alioth

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