Jul 14, 2009 21:50
ZOMG I am sooooo excited ya'll! So, ever since the Harry Potter movies came out I've been absolutely DYING to go the a midnight showing. I've never been able to because of school. Well, since my class is in the afternoon this time around (no small amount of thank you gods and goddesses that my baby bro wants to go this time, too), I get to go!
Yeah, I just had to wait through five movies.
I'm BOUNCING in my seat with happy happy giddy glee!
Okay, details for how this came about: Apparently, the Starlight Drive-In here in town is giving a midnight showing on a first-come, first serve basis. We live just down the street from them, so we'll be leaving about ten minutes before they start letting folk in. I have money (for once in my life) and an open vehicle (also for once in my life).
It is now five minutes to ten. They start letting people in... in about an hour and a half.
harry potter