Oct 22, 2009 13:33
Do you ever have days when you feel like all you have is bad news? I stopped calling my friends and family and extended family because I feel,or felt, like that. I mean really, who wants to hear all of your bad news? I couldn't hear what they were saying because I was so engrossed in my own little rain cloud. IN my defense, for a while now, I have not had much good news to share. And I hate it. I stopped talking to my friends, irl and online. I stopped blogging and chatting, and even stopped going to church because I felt like if I saw anyone I was going to break down and cry. It's a little exhausting... okay, a lot exhausting. And it makes me run...
It is not normal by any means, but I do have a nasty habit of running when things get nuts for me. Not a physical run, but I seek refuge in things... shopping, food, whatever and none of it in a good way. I have never really tried to COPE. But there is hope for me yet. Being still is my new coping skill in my pursuit of happyness.
Today was the first day in a really long time (we're talking years) that I have decided to really recognize the positives in my life. Things are not perfect, nor will they ever be, but the can be GOOD. Really good. And I have to make the choice to see ad make things good. For me! And then I can work on the other stuff with everyone else. I am advocating for my own happy. I want some. I need some and just because I am a mom and a wife and sister doesn't mean that I don't deserve to have some happy. I am taking some time for me. To figure ME out in the midst of the crazy life that is forging ahead. I can either stick my head in the sand and let it pass me by or I can choose to live.