The popularity of the Hunger Games books, and now crowd pleasing movie, has spouted dozens of Hunger Games Crossover.
However, many of them seem a blatant plot rip-off the original story, with Harry, Ron, Hermione replacing the roles of Katniss, Gale and Peeta- with the same exact outcome (both in plot and in love triangle results. Aka if Harry is gale he ends a bad guy and alone, if Ron is gale-- same thing).
It feel like a Complete disservice to the wonderful that is the Harry potter characters, for sake of petty shipping bias.
So Here's the challenge:
- Instead of writing a Harry Potter characters into the Hunger Games universe (repeating the books plot, love triangle, and along the way selfishly killing characters the author/artist Doesn't like) the rule is- WRITE THE HUNGER GAMES CHARACTERS INTO THE HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE. (katniss, peeta, gale, haymitch, effie, snow, rue, finnick,etc come to hogwarts, are contacted by dumbledore, rescued by the order,etc)
- the story can try to follow the plot of Potter at any time, Or make it an aU, or After the War fic.
- NO Slash/Femmeslash of harry potter characters or hunger games characters or between them, (so no Ginny/katniss, Gale/Peeta, etc)
- using the canon characters is not a mandatory requirement, and you could even include OC from both verses interacting between each other (Those CAN be slashed/femmeslashed).
- considering the violent nature of the hunger games verse, violence in art/fic is accepted- but do keep it toned down to pg-13. (the movie gave a perfect example- cato running with an Axe at someone in the cornucopia, slashing his axe at the tribute, but you dont seen the wound nor the bloody body).
- the forbidden pairings are still forbidden.
Art- harry potter character Can be dressed as people from the 12 districts, but no Bashing, villification of them. And No implication of any love-triangle (so no you can't Draw Harry, Ron and Hermione as Gale, Peeta and katniss and implying a love triangle).
Any questions? send me a message or email,
Get to Write/Draw!! and have fun with it!