Daily Prompt- March 20- "Kids"

Mar 20, 2012 10:00

daily prompt- "Kids"
fic, drabble or art.

genre- Het or Gen.

All characters/ All het ships not mentioned on "forbidden ships" list.

optional secondary genre- crossover

No off-topic posts.

you can post more than 1 drabble.

post drabbles as comments to the specific entry.

Please use the following template:

Title - daily’s theme word.

Title: title of the drabble (again)

drabble word limit: 100-500 words.
long fic minum word count: 1,000.

Rating: g to -g-13.

Other characters/pairings: if applicable.
does the fic contain OCs? include link to OCs information.

Author’s/artist Notes: if applicable

prompts: march 2012, sub-genre: cross-over, genre: het, prompts, prompts: daily, genre: gen, art

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