hpgw-otp is hosting a
Halloween challenge -- it's not too late to sign up!
This week's theme at
hpgw100 is goblin.
daniel-bonnie is seeking
ideas for the community.
psychic-serpent shares
a theory about Dumbledore's creation of the deluminator.
danfan74 shares
video of Dan reading from Sorcerer's Stone and speaking about Harry.
lord-spyridon has opened
a forum for recommendations of HP fics (all pairings included).
hp-rec-site is a related comm for adult-rated fics.
88rocketman recommends 'Choice and Circumstance' DH Movie
Bonnie Wright and other movie actors
answered fan questions on Facebook UK.
Check out this
DH1 preview, which aired at the Spike Scream Awards on Saturday.
viria13 drew
BetterQuimvaa drew
Harry/Ginny Quidditch.
veter-vetrennij drew
HP girls (Hermione, Luna & Ginny)
FelicityWorthington drew
Ginny Weasley.
hapticmimesis drew
Boy Who Liveswasting_air drew
HP Chamber of Secretselderberry_bb drew
Potter family.
cambryn drew
Chaser Weasley and
The Potter Family.
freakyredeyes drew
danfan74 made a manip:
Hardest to Hold.
ginger-veela wrote
The Blessing - "No one else dreads this day each year the way I do; not even Neville understands - thank God - the emptiness of growing up unloved, bereft of the singular comfort that makes life worth living."
Sovran wrote
Years - Harry and Ginny pursue a future with a past that never was. (Part 3 of the Ages Trilogy)
m-and updated The White Rose with
Chapter 2 - A series of grisly murders shatters the peace and serenity of the post-Voldemort era. The only clue that connects them - a single withered white rose that is found with each of the victims. Harry Potter, Head of the Auror Department, must race against time to try and stop the killer before they can strike again.
Northumbrian wrote
Eccentric - Ginny Potter gets the chance to visit Tibet.
nicodemusfleur updated Normal with
Part 3 - She was really not used to caring about Harry.
countwestwest updated Harry Potter and Sirius's Legacy with
Chapter 5 - Sirius is dead, and Harry now knows it's up to him to save the world. Thanks to his godfather's legacy, Harry is able to face his destiny, and embrace his inner Slytherin. It will be a year of hard lessons for both his friends... and his enemies.
r-becca wrote
greeneyed79 wrote
racing-rain wrote
Thank the Pumpkin Patch.
antoshevu wrote
2 Harry/Ginny drabbles (other pairings in the post, too).
the Fandom at Large
fanthropology tracks references to fanfic in the news -- this week's roundup is
News? Fic? Comment here or email us at hpgwotp @ yahoo.com