Hello! Thanks for your
advice and suggestions! Some of
you suggested using old challenges or unclaimed prompts for a new round of ficafest artwork and fan fiction. I like that idea and starting December 1, 2007, we'll open the 7th Wave of the Harry/Ginny Fic-A-Fest with 30 previously unused challenge prompts from the 1st to 6th waves. (I don't remember why we used "wave" as opposed to "round" but we've already used it six times so I'll just stick to that term.) XP
I'd like to do a couple things differently this time around so please take note of these changes:
- As a way to say thank you to previous ficafest participants, they will have the first 48 hours to claim a challenge prompt, from December 1-2. So if your LJ name is listed as an artist or author in these tags, you can claim a challenge in that 48-hour period.
- Starting December 3 (12:01am EST), the 7th wave challenges will be open to everyone.
- Claims will be closed December 31, 2007, but you'll have until January 31, 2008 to submit your artwork or fic.
- After this post, you'll see me posting as ladyranee. ;)
Some of you mentioned wanting more ficafest artwork and suggested more collaborative works with artists. Any advice on how to make this happen? How can we bribeencourage more fan artists? You can comment below or email me at hpgw.ficafest[AT]gmail.com.