Wow, thanks for all your great challenge entries! It's so wonderful to see all these H/G fics and artwork. :) If you still have an entry that you haven't submitted, please don't hesitate to submit it even though it's passed the deadline. Don't worry, I don't bite. XD I also won't be leaving for the beach for another couple of days so I'm still around to check the community mod queue.
I will be working on a Master List for the 3rd wave, but that'll take awhile. Also, like the banners and icons
hrhobo created, we may ask permission to use your ficafest entry artwork for future ficafest banners and icons. And can I say how awesome it is that we have over 300 members? :) w00t!
And some plugging: Check out
OHPFans Fan Fiction, our affiliate. Go pimp H/G fics over there. ;) Also, if you haven't already, join and participate at two new communities --
hpgw100 and
hpgw_otp! Last but not least, if you're looking for another writing challenge,
thefirelight is hosting the
Colors of Fire Challenge.
So enjoy our latest entries and don't forget to review! Thanks again, everyone, and see you after HBP! ;)