Title: Let This Be Enough
Author: Rooney
Challenge: It's the last Qudditch match of Harry's seventh year, and he's been seriously injured. He watches from the stands as Ginny takes his place as Seeker.
Summary: When he wakes, Ginny Weasley is watching him, sitting on the chair beside his bed, her knees pulled up to her chin and her ginger hair in
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“I’m glad,” she whispers, after a few moments, her eyes on the piece of chocolate in her hand and miles away from his face, “that you’re back.” And she waits two minutes and forty-two seconds before Harry grabs for another piece of chocolate, misses, and holds her hand instead.
Thank you, though, you've no idea how happy I am that you at least enjoyed it, even if it was "horribly short". *loves*
And I'll be on the lookout for yours, dear. I can't wait.
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