Challenge (August): Bringing Chocolates

Sep 01, 2012 00:06

Title: Bringing Chocolates
Words: 385
Rating: G
Summary: This time, Harry brought chocolates
Author’s Notes:  This is for two challenges/prompts.  First, it’s for the August 2012 Challenge at the hpgw_drabbles community on LiveJournal.  The prompt for that one was birthdays, specifically Harry’s and Ginny’s.  The second is because of a promise I made to my readers on LiveJournal, that if they would bug sassyfrass_kerr about finishing the next chapter of 100 Ways, I’d write them a drabble according to their word count, and up to three prompt words they gave me.  katwoman_68 earned herself a drabble of 385 words, using the prompts: chocolate, fire, love.

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challenge aug 2012, author: dukebrymin

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