Nov 11, 2010 11:10
Title: Surprisingly Successful
Author: Loonynamelass
Prompt: Giant Squid, Forget (also works for the hpgw_drabbles prompt “Anniversary,” except that it’s not 200 words, as hpgw100, what this was originally written for... has a 100-word limit.)
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Still PG as always; this is just slightly less “G.”
Notes: Though originally written for hpgw_drabbles, I realize now that it fits the "Anniversary" prompt rather well..."It's a community where you can post any of your H/G drabbles and ficlets (they just have to be under 1000 words). It just happens that we also host a challenge every month too," said fbo66, and so this is TOTALLY LEGAL.
“You’re sure you haven’t forgotten without the Voldy-scrap?” Ginny asked anxiously as their feet fell into place, strolling on Hogwarts grounds after years.
“I remembered our anniversary; I didn’t forget this… We’re here.” They gazed at the imperturbable surface until a long tentacle broke its sheen. “Time to disregard everything Hagrid ever taught about anatomy. Shh’lk’k’sssss’sp.”
Harry, half his life lived without knowing, and Ginny, half her life lived in anticipation, still found magic magical. “Humans in love are adorable!” The shocked couple dropped into the lake.
Thank Merlin for summer recess; water, and anniversaries, have strange effects on clothing.
challenge nov 2010,
author: loonynamelass