We are always looking for friends here at
So, if your community would like to become affiliated with
hpgw_drabbles please leave a comment to this post.
List of current affiliates:
obhwf_weekly - Weekly newsletter for OBHWF pairings.
hpgw_otp - The Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley Online Tabloid Publication.
sunlit_daily - Daily photo posts of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.
takingitinturns - An exchange of Harry/Ginny artwork and fiction.
hg_seasonsfest - A Harry/Ginny fest centred around the four seasons.
chest_monsters - A Harry and Ginny Community.
hpgw100 - Harry/Ginny 100 word drabble writing community.
hpgw_ldws - Harry/Ginny 'Last Drabble Writer Standing' community.
hp_nextgen100 - Next Generation 100 word drabble writing community.
hp_humpdrabbles - A community for smutty HP drabbles.
hp_getlucky - A HP fest in honour of St. Patrick’s day.
bwfd_ldws - Bill/Fleur 'Last Drabble Writer Standing' community.
lazysundaydrabs - A HP drabble community.
http://community.livejournal.com/hpgw_drabbles/" _fcksavedurl="
http://community.livejournal.com/hpgw_drabbles/" target="_blank">
http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll248/fbo66/small-banner4.jpg" _fcksavedurl="
http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll248/fbo66/small-banner4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">