Title: Playing to Win
Words: 100
Rating: G
Author's notes: Nothing like a drabble to scratch that fic itch. :)
Air rushed in her face, whipping hair against her cheeks. Ginny squinted, shutting out everything until the goal loomed solitary in her vision. The Keeper hovered, vigilant, blocking her path. Ginny feinted, but the Keeper wasn't fooled. Drawing closer, she shifted her hold on the Quaffle, resting it lightly on her fingertips.
She cocked her arm back and threw, heart beating in her throat as the Quaffle hurtled toward the hoops. The Keeper dove, arms outstretched, but she knew it wouldn't be enough.
Harry righted himself with difficulty, smiling broadly. "All right, you. Come here and claim your prize, then."