Aug 09, 2012 16:53
AN: i seem to recall the last time i was here i said that i'd be right back...and i disappeared. i'm sorry for the huge delay, but i'm back now, with quite the backlog... i have every intention of writing those drabbles, but for now, i've got this weeks right here! VSx
Prompt: Parched
Words: 100
Harry was alerted to his wife’s presence in his office when her abrupt laughter filled the small room. She walked over to the chair opposite where he was working and sat on the very edge of her comfortable seat.
Without a word, she leaned across and re-arranged some of the papers he had spread across the surface of his desk; lifting some more folders, she reached underneath for something.
From the depths, she retrieved a small terracotta plant pot. Still laughing, somewhat hysterically by now, she watched as his face recognised the gift: a parched, and now very dead, cactus.
:author: vickystarfish,