Missing Pages (Prompt: Wedding)

May 09, 2012 23:20

Title: Missing Pages
Words: 100
Rating: G
Prompt:  Wedding
Notes: Still playing catch-up. ^_^

When Harry walked into the Weasleys’ living room to find his girlfriend surrounded by all the younger Weasley wives and the only Weasley fiancé, he felt a frisson of fear.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Nothing much,” said Angelina soon-to-be-Weasley.  “Just planning the wedding.”

Harry looked at them suspiciously.  “Why all the sly looks then?” he asked.

“No reason,” Fleur snickered. “Just noticing zere are some pages missing from zese magazines, ‘Arry.”

“Oh?” he said, voice too-casual.

“Yes,” said Ginny, “all the ring adverts.”

“Odd, that,” Harry said knowingly, leaving the room.  Behind him, Ginny smiled a slow, delighted smile.


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