Hi folks!
With less than three weeks to go until the sign-ups, it's as good a time as any to start looking for inspiration. So we're opening up a recs thread, where you can post links to your favourite George-related art, fic or vids.
All recs should go in the comments, and be sure to let people know if they're adults-only!
For fic, I've got a couple.
For het, there's the smoking hot, beautifully poignant "Driven to Distraction" by writersblock76. Post Deathly Hallows, George/Alicia goodness, angsty and fluffy and sexy all at once. Definitely adults only.
http://community.livejournal.com/weasley_fest/39547.html#cutid1 Slashwise, I'm partial to the lovely "Growing Season" by coffee_n_cocoa. It's another Post DH fic (what can I say, it's my era of choice) and George/Neville at its best. My two favourite boys in the Potterverse! This one's only PG-13.
http://community.livejournal.com/weasley_fest/45941.html#cutid1 A slash honorable mention (since I'm not officially reccing WIPs but I couldn't leave this one out) is "I Must Not Tell Lies" by wwmrsweasleydo. It's George/Harry and covers many years. Each chapter has it's own rating, and they go up to NC-17, but this is one of those rare writers who's nonsmut and smut are equally compelling. The first chapter is here.
http://wwmrsweasleydo.livejournal.com/2811.html#cutid1 Artwise, I have a soft-spot for "Even Stopper Love" by glockgal. George isn't featured in a pairing here, but he's definitely his naughty-instigator self. And what can I say, his socks are adorable. It also comes with fic by nolagal! Also featuring Harry/Ron and sodamncute!Charlie with Christmas cake.
http://community.livejournal.com/weasley_fest/61099.html For vids, there's a surprising amount of really good stuff out there, but I'm highlighting this one, just called "George Weasley" by WiGeFi33. It's utterly intriguing, has fascinating casting choices and REALLY makes me want to know what the story is. Genvid.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CSo1alUe1U We'll be letting the creators know that they've been recced, so if you want to put a smile on the face of your favourite fanwork creator, here's your chance. And yes, you are more than welcome to rec your own work!