Title: The Malfoy-Potter Family (8/?)
Author: hpgeek512
Word count: 669
Summary: Drabbles of the everyay lives of the Malfoy-Potter family
Pairings: DM/HP, SS/JP, BZ/?, LM/NM ;)
Warnings: none really, just maybe some slash sex in later chapters. Severitus. oh and it's non-magic
Feedback: comments would be nice ;)
Just like bath time, right?
“Sshh, Jacob! Yous got to be quiet!”
Two little heads, one jet black and one white blonde stood crouching in the spacious pantry, trying to be as quiet as possible.
They were playing a favorite game of the large family; Hide and Seek. And Granddad Jamie was ‘it’.
Though it was a greatly favored and well known game, the little two and- a-half year olds didn’t quite grasp the concept of that when the seeker turns their back and starts counting, you’re supposed to run and hide; not just stand there looking curiously at what the person was doing with their face pressed in their hands and muttering strange words to themselves. Or that when the seeker yells “Ready or not, here I come!”, you’re supposed to stay in your hiding place quietly; not come out screaming “I’m over here! Come find me first!”
But alas, James sighed, smiling as he opened the pantry doors, you can’t expect much from two, almost three, year olds.
“Found you!” James caught a squealing Hope and Jacob in his arms before they ran off to hide somewhere else.
“Now, all we need is Lucian.”
Lucian Carter smirked as his Papa always did, peeking from his hiding place in the corner beside the sofa. He could hear his name being called by his brothers and sisters and granddad and he really, really wanted to jump out and say “Here I am!” but he remembered his big brother Alex told him to never ever come out of your hiding spot unless you were caught.
But Lucian was tired of sitting there in the corner, picking at a hole in the back of the couch, making it larger and noticeable, so he carefully stood and looked to make sure no one was there before running (his Backyardigans light up sneakers thumping loudly) to the open backyard door.
Lucian swiped his fringe out of his bright hazel eyes which almost instantly caught the sparkling water from the nearby pool.
Though the pool had a gleaming, white protective gate surrounding it, Lucian still toddled over and yanked the door.
It opened!
Lucian excitingly smiled and walked towards the edge. His grandpa Sev never let anyone of them (as in the six) come near the gate and now he was by the pool by himself!
He couldn’t wait to tell Leelah and Hayden!
Lucian stood by the curved edge, constantly looking back at the grand house, as if waiting for something or someone.
Shrugging, he kneeled down and got on his stomach, putting his pale hands into the water and splashing.
“Just like bath time.” Lucian thought happily. He looked to his right at a sign that had the number five and some weird symbols next to it. They kinda looked like those ‘letter’ things grandpa is always talking about. But Lucian didn’t care about that. He wanted to play ‘Pirate Ship’!
He sat back on his heels, wiping his wet hands sloppily on his play shirt and shorts- wait… Papa said not to do that!
Biting his lip nervously, he thought, “Maybe I can wash my clothes so it doesn’t look too messy. Like Papa always does!”
So, Lucian scooted closer to the edge and dipped his already wet hand into the water and brought it to his clothes, wiping and making the damp spot soaking wet.
He reached one more time, scooting closer and reached deeply into the clear water as if trying to capture something.
The water was just so cool and pretty…
Lucian didn’t have the chance to let out a proper scream as he was knocked out of his trance like state before he was in the air and crushed into something hard. He could hear and feel hard thumping beneath him and soft distant words above him.
Lucian wrapped his legs around a familiar waist and looked up into worried hazel eyes. “Grandda? What wrong Grandda Jamie?”
Lucian didn’t receive an answer; he was just crushed against the hard chest again.